You’re a wondrous being, a miracle called life. You’re unique. You’ve followed a path, a path which has turned you into what you’re now: energy, dreams, smiles, a lovely human being. Maybe you want more things, maybe you wish for more… that’s OK. Don’t blame the past for anything, as such past has allowed you to be here. And that past is offering you the opportunity to be better. The Beatles said it: All you need is love. And for loving, we have to start by loving ourselves. We have to love ourselves, we have to accept ourselves as we are right now: with our fears, our limitations, our physical image, our weaknesses, and our beliefs. If you do not love yourself, how may you be able to really love others? If you don’t accept yourself, if you don’t love yourself, you’ll probably end up looking in other people for such traits and features you don’t have and would like to have for being happy… but you will likely end up being hurt if that people go away. Love yourself, right now:

  1. Accept your weaknesses. They’re are part of you.
  2. Forgive yourself. All those things that you “perceive” you have done wrong… they’re past. You don’t live in the past anymore. You can only control the present time. Past & Future are just images, not reality.
  3. Express your feelings with total freedom.
  4. Don’t worry about things you cannot have control over. Instead, focus on the only things you can really control: your decisions right now.
  5. Trust your inner values and your personal resources. Don’t be afraid of losing, go ahead!
  6. Believe in your positive experiences, believe there’s an abundance in health and life for you.
  7. Don’t fight your negative thoughts or your fears… when you’re feeling negative or scared, thank your mind and your body for such thoughts and emotions, and leave them behind, you’re very positive and brilliant and have a lot of wonderful things to do.
  8. Do this exercise: write a little and happy song about those things that you fear the most. And sing it occasionally 🙂
  9. Do this other exercise: close your eyes and visualize yourself as a small child. Imagine this child laughing and running through some beautiful scenery, full of colors, full of life. Hug this child close to you. Tell him or her how much they are loved, and how special he or she is.
  10. Enjoy your body and care of it through nutrition and exercise (both physical and mental).

Life is beautiful. Enjoy it 🙂