Anxiety is a (sometimes annoying) emotional and cognitive state. Emotionally, we recognize it as sensations of fear, grief, worry or general apprehension. The cognitive component entails expectation of a diffuse and uncertain danger. The threat or perspective of danger triggers the body’s defenses: the flow of blood to the muscles is increased, which in turn implies rising blood pressure and heart rate. Needless to say, such alert activation involves a higher consumption of body’s energy, and also other parts, such as the immune system, are inhibited in order to increase energetic reserves and focus for fighting the hypothetical danger.

At the outset, such reaction is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s a natural mechanism which prepares us for defense. Thus, anxiety is a relatively common emotion, naturally linked to survival. However, it may become a threat to our health if:

  • The reaction gets out of control, forcing us to adopt a defensive behavior continually. This consumes body and mind’s energy, unproductively.
  • Anxiety attacks are experienced, including severe physical and emotional disturbances, such as headaches, arrhythmias, irascibility, nausea and general pain. No matter the graveness of those symptoms, the result is the same: zero productivity and zero advance with regards to the feared issue. Plenty of weakening, though.

I always like to recommend an evaluation by a qualified specialist if we are facing health problems, including anxiety. Additionally, I think the following neat tips may prove useful in controlling the anxiety stemming from our daily chores and jobs:

  1. Try to relax, silently, during at least 10 minutes every day. Modern living can make us very unaccustomed to silence, but both mind and soul speak in the silent moments.
  2. Meditate, practice a correct and relaxed breathing, specially in those times in which stress is tougher.
  3. If you ever feel trapped into a stressful situation, take a break and think: what I’m doing right now? Learn to identify anger, fear, sadness, happiness, anguish and envy.
  4. Every morning, after waking up, say: “Thanks God, for the things I have. And with such things I do my best.
  5. Watch your diet. Include fresh fruit and vegetables as much as possible (without breaking the nutritional balance of your diet, of course.)
  6. Follow some type of exercise program, outdoors. Exercise for at least 3 hours weekly.
  7. Try not to use your watch for a week. You’ll discover the nice time management abilities of the mind.
  8. Expand your social circle, looking for people with a personality similar to yours. I do insist, a good circle of friends is vital for keeping a good mental health.
  9. Fears are defeated by talking about them, by accepting them. We should talk about the things that haunt us with a lovely person who knows how to heal… a wise mother… a dear friend. Such lovely people, whose words heal our soul, are a treasure.
  10. Finally, find your spaces and a take your time for enjoying life… dedicate that time only to yourself. Allow yourself to be happy. Nature is open to us… why don’t we take some time to enjoy it?

Thanks for reading. Be happy.