A healthy world

Here I’ll share some practical tips that anyone can adopt to help combat global pollution. These simple yet impactful actions can make a significant difference in our fight against climate change and rising contamination levels. Let’s explore how small changes in our daily lives can contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet!

Climate Change

  • Replace conventional and old light bulbs: With this simple task we’re freeing our planet of 68 kilograms of CO2 per year. The option of saving bulbs or bulbs of low flow cares for the environment (and also cares for our pockets).
  • Use the car less: I recommend going more for cycling, public transport or walking to help protect the environment (and our health). By not using the car we avoid half kilogram of CO2 per mile of journey. The overuse of the automobile encouraged to make new roads and such decision caused a great impact on the territory and destroyed beautiful landscapes, and in addition to that there is more traffic noise, which causes more stress for those living near such noise.
  • Recycle more: By recycling we will save more than one ton of CO2 yearly. But recycling is not the answer, here the question is: how to avoid generating all that waste?, i.e., we should buy only what we really need and keep out of the levels of consumerism. Further, when choosing our goods we should prefer the ones with less packaging and pick reusable bags for our purchases. At the time of purchasing beverages is better to buy glass bottles because they are easier to recycle and they do not use the amounts of fuels as requiered for plastic and paper (besides, production of paper and plastic releases many chemicals into the air, rivers and seas).
  • Examine the tires of your car: In this issue we recommend keeping tires inflated to the corresponding pressure since taking into account this recommendation saves fuel combustion in a 3%. Each gallon of gasoline less implies 9 kilograms of CO2 less reaching the atmosphere. And it should be emphasized that it is recommended to use the car only when necessary.
  • Use less hot water: To warm the water uses too much energy, especially in the winter time because the environment is colder than normal. The same is recommended to wash clothes using cold water as it would save about 230 kilograms of CO2. It is also important to use water that is needed in such tasks as washing the car, washing dishes etc. And remember not to leave water valves open.
  • Avoid using too much packaged products: You can save 545 kilograms of CO2 if you avoid generation of 10% of garbage. This helps to a great extent because if we create a culture to choose products with less packaging producers make products with less packaging and thus avoid much of pollution.
  • Set the thermostat on the car properly: to set two degrees higher in winter and lower it 2 in summer, you can save 900 kilograms of CO2 with this simple adjustment in a year. You should not use the heater where it is not necessary because the car engine will make more effort and will burn more fuel.
  • Plant a tree: this recommendation is important because every tree in its lifetime absorbs about one ton of carbon dioxide. I recommend watering at night or when the sun is hidden because the tree would absorb more water since it is not evaporated by the sun.
  • Turn off electronic devices: Turning off the TV, Bluray, stereo, and computers when not in use can save thousands of kilos of carbon dioxide a year. There is no need to have the TV on when nobody is watching it.


Consume the really needed amount of water. Avoid unnecessary water costs with these tips:

  • Do not leave the tap running while you brush your teeth or shave.
  • Do not wash the foods with the tap open; use a container. Upon completion, this water can be used for watering plants.
  • Do not use any soap under running water.
  • Use the washing machine and dishwasher only when they’re fully loaded.
  • Do not throw sticks, paper, cigarette butts, sanitary towels, tampons or condoms. Put them in a garbage basket.
  • Repair leaks immediately. 10 drops of water per minute represent 2,000 liters of water a year wasted.
  • Use native plants that require less care and less water.
  • Reuse as much water as you can. Reused water is fine for bathrooms, cleaning floors, or washing the front of your home.
  • Do not empty the tank without a real reason to do it .
  • Do not throw the oil sinks. They float on water and are very difficult to remove.
  • Do not throw any garbage into the sea, rivers or lakes.
  • Water gardens and streets with potable water.
  • The best time to water is late afternoon as it prevents evaporation.
  • Gel, shampoo and detergents are not environmentally friendly. They should be used sparingly and where possible choose organic products.
  • Do not forget to plant a tree at least once in your life.
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